Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lili Damita - Third of four Postings

Lili met her husband to be Errol Flynn aboard an ocean liner that was taking her and the then relatively unknown actor from England to America in 1935. He felt attracted to her, but she rebuffed him and it led to a mutual dislike. Of course six months later, the couple that publicly hated each other in Hollywood eloped to Yuma, Arizona and were married.

In 1939, Lili said, although contentedly, "Being married to Flynn (she called him Flynn and he called her Damita) is exactly like living on top of a volcano. I like that. A volcano which does erupt. Constantly - yes, but daily! We are always just arriving or just leaving. Flynn and I." She was also quoted that she knew Captain Blood would make him a star and she was right. Her favorite film of his was The Adventures of Robin Hood (What wonderful Technicolor) .

Lili also offered this obvious insight, "He likes a woman to be feminine. That is because he is so very masculine. He is a man's man. He is a man, a young, attractive man. But he has an eye, too, for a pretty face." And that is what eventually led to their divorce in 1942. What a wild marriage that must have been. Her images leave no question in my mind as to why Errol was attracted to her.

Lili Damita - What do you think? Allure?


Raquel Stecher said...

I was just Googling Lili Damita and of course I landed here. Great post. She was a very sexy lady so I can see why Errol Flynn was attracted to her.

emeraldcity said...

I was just googling Lili as well, but almost 3yrs after your post Raquelle, mainly because a painting of Lili by Kees Van Dongen is about to come up for action at Christies, a long time after her death but she has been immortalized in that painting, estimated to sell for around $3million dollars, which ensures her name will live on and people like me who knew nothing about her will keep discovering her through the miracle of the internet.

dave bequeaith said...

Allure? Are you kidding me? Hell yes she is alluring! Sexy... mesmerizing... captivating, a real women. My wish is that she were alive today for me to meet.

Anonymous said...

i just stumbled upon this, But as gorgeous as she was, she was crazy. She was a husband beater. I mean who hits there husband on the head with a champagne bottle in front of a room full of people? haha.